1. Ah. A cane. That oh, so obvious, sign to everyone in the world that you have an infirmity of some sort. But it takes away the stigma of being thought of as a drunk, doesn’t it? Because the careening, and stumbling don’t send a clear message, do they? The facts are these: You are not a drunk; You do have an infirmity.

    Once you start walking, a little taller, a little faster, without being concerned about falling, read this entry again, and let us know your comments. Okay? Be well.

  2. Webster,

    Thank you for commenting. In all seriousness I really do not care if a cane says I have a problem. I just am still stubbornly holding onto the belief that the longer I moto about on my own without assistance the longer I will be able to do so.

    Up until the last few weeks it worked for me what can I say? I went from thinking all my problems were due to stroke to woo hoo you have MS like going from 0-60 in a Porsche. I really had not a clue.

    I have never been one to quit so I am sure once the frustration, anger, and general WTF feelings abate I will more willing to accept.


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