Individuality, Ethics, and Control

Remember ethics – the gray area. Not everything is black or white, right or left, sometimes there is no easy solution. The news actually reported the facts and not some rehash of one side’s rhetoric once upon a time. News was news and opinion was opinion.

Political or societal reaction coming from a loss of identity of those who strongly identify with the “we factor”, the political correctness of their chosen social group, creates mass reaction. Political reaction based on a loss of individual identity perpetuates the group reality and further reinforces it.

Moral development/ethics requires and identity of “self”. The more “we” decide the less “self” differentiation occurs. When the news announces that group A is against or in favor of something, many automatically assume they must be for or against it also. After all their “we” said so.  Examples of this are Pro Choice means Pro Abortion, Anti Iraq war means you cannot support the troops, and your against the migrant workers if you believe in securing the borders.

More individuals need to look at the gray areas and voice their opinions. I am not suggesting that organized groups for or against a cause or political goal are bad. I am suggesting that when someone takes a position not inclusive of the “we” that we speak up, accept their individuality, and not berate them for going against the grain. Fear of reprisal is a motivator that can lead to the death of a free society. It can allow a government to control the masses.