A Constitutional Amendment to Discriminate – Gay Marraige

President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Frist are once again using their diversion tactics. Lets’s not talk about their tax cuts for the “super-rich”; ending the war in Iraq and returning Americans soldiers from harm’s way and immigration problems. No with the “gay marriage amendment” they can divide and conquer. Pick and emphsize issues that divide and inflame the American Public.

Bush: “When judges insist on imposing their arbitrary will on the people, the only alternative left to the people is an amendment to the Constitution: the only law a court cannot overturn,” Wow since when did the president become interested in the Constitution as law? This no-gay-marriage amendment proposal’s timing seemed pretty suspect given the president’s current approval ratings.

This would be the first amendment written in our constitution that actively discriminates against a certain group of people.

“How many people in America truly feel threatened by gay people in committed relationships asking for equality when it comes to inheritance rights; taxes; being able to have access and make healthcare decisions if their partners are hospitalized; social security benefits; adoption rights: etc? If they were trying to do the same thing to blacks or latinos or taking us back in time 50 years and barring inter-racial marriages again — would America be standing passively by? I doubt it — This will simply be another part George Bush’s legacy as a failed leader who wants to constitutionalize discrimination and hatred and say that God told him too — what a shameful disgrace for all people who believe in God — which includes many gay people.”

Gay people are not out to get special rights they want equal rights.