Two Sportsters in the Hot Sun


Not a great photo. Tried to get the stacks in the background. We were hot and parked our Sportsters in the road. Why not there was no other traffic – surprising on a Friday night. Took a couple of wrong turns and ended up having to do the dreaded u turn dance. U turns have never been my favorite thing to do on a motorcycle. When I was in my teens they were a lot easier. We came across a sign that threatened govermental repercussions if we proceeded further. After all the reports of security jerks we decided to turn around. Trouble was we were on a hill, headed upwards and the road was narrow. Such fun!

I picked my windshield up this afternoon after having it cut down. It was just to high. I found this out – I know, I know – this should be the duh factor – anyway, I remembered why having too tall of a windshield is a bad thing when riding back from Marysville the other night. After the suicidal bugs coated the darn thing I could not see over the top of it, I could not see through it, so I had a interesting ride home. I stopped a couple of times and washed the bugs off and darn if more just volunteered to take their places LOL. I was glad that I took the time to figure out how much to have removed. No helmet buffetting and yippee I can see over the top of it.

A nice breeze/wind came up and started cooling down the world a bit. We explored some new country roads, honked at a few cows and llamas and headed home. A nice 100 miles later the bike is parked in the back patio, Catfish and Annie are mooching steak, and I, Kmilyun, am ready to go to sleep.

Kmilyun hiding in helmet.


  1. I will show my ignorance and ask which one is the backlite one LOL. I have never figured out how to take a shot towards the sun especially with the little pentax.

    I can sort of do it with the sony but it is a trial and error type deal with me.

    Your picture through the bottle was great. I am not that creative so I am sticking to I was here shots.

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