The blind eye to the truth in the Julie Amero case is the failure to grasp that this woman was computer illiterate. Silly as this may sound to some there really are people out in the non-cyberspace world that have no clue to workings of computers or what to do when things run amuck.
Haven’t any of you clicked an ad for something innocuous and been taken to a site that loads porn like the energizer bunny? I will admit to having done this. I have even accidentally hit the allow radio button instead of the disallow button in my firewall warning box causing a major infection of my system.
We make mistakes.
An interesting point that has been overlooked by most bloggers is the fact the innocent children in the room probably knew how to turn the computer off. In the late 70’s I was in a group of High School students in a special advanced college program. We immediately figured out a small program that would put the main frame into a do loop while keeping all the previously fed punch cards ( opps dating myself here) inside the reader until the long loop was completed. The purpose of this program? Simple, we placed the stack in the middle of some pissy adult’s card pile and then sat back and laughed our butts off as the befuddled jerks would panic.
Should she be sent to prison for this – wake up and think this through – the next victim of this type of a witch hunt could be you.
We all make mistakes.
Excellent contribution!
And today we have phished Flickr accounts, again the result of an innocent click on the wrong link. It happens to all of us, no matter how savvy we think we are, no matter how protected we are.
Your point about the kids knowing how to turn off the computer/monitor is well-taken. Evidently they were more interested in complaining to mommy and daddy about the bad substitute teacher surfing porn all day.
GAK, makes me nuts.
Yeah the Flickr stuff is getting too me also! Geezzzz…..
Are they going to arrest the poor people whose sites were hacked? Might as well since they did not turn off their sites immediatly LOL.
I really wonder if the kids did not start the whole problem for Julie in the first place.