I have been trying to stay out of the Health-care reform chatter but my brain worries, my mind spins – ever tried reading the whole darn bill? After a few pages the words turn to gobbledygook. My email box is full of info. Some of my friends are on a mission to promote Obama’s plan while others are adamantly against it. What I find interesting that each side can use sections of the proposed legislation to support their positions.
This scares me. If the legislation language is vulnerable to interpretation . ..
The other point that has me wondering if I will end up screwed by all this reform:
While Obama has stated that if you like your doctor, if you like your health plan you will be able to keep it “period” what he fails to mention is that there is nothing that guarantees your employer or for that matter your insurer will chose to still offer your coverage. Hello? I guess I am one of the few who is generally happy with my coverage. Yes, it could be cheaper, yeah it would be super great if the drugs were cheaper but my doctors are good. The facilities I go to are clean and organized – unlike those I had to endure while jumping through the bureaucratic hoops to get approved for SSD.
I am insured under my domestic partners policy available through her employer. I had the same coverage through my prior employer. I did the Cobra thing until I was able to go on hers. I went without some luxuries, we ate beans not steak sometimes but, we held onto it. At one time I could have switched over to my new employers insurance but chose not to because on the whole it sucked. Now the government wants me to believe that I did this all for not and could (possibly) end up with less than what I went without to keep my ass covered? FYI, this was done way before I even had an inkling of the MS monsters entrance into my world.
Is the system broken – yes. I do not send my car to the crusher because the water pump went out – I repair it. Do I have a solution – not really. It seems to me that a better solution might be an expansion of the socialized services already in place with a major overhaul to stop the abuses and waste. Been to an emergency room lately?
I can not imagine having to deal with the suck hole of governmental B.S. and red tape just to go to some dirty hole in the wall clinic – it scared the hell out of me. And, quite frankly it will lower my criteria on making a final exit if my morals let me.
I love my country, I am against Big Brother, and I have never dealt with a government institution and come out feeling warm and fuzzy. I suspect none of this is going to make it better and as usual the rich will come out ahead. We are the only industrialized wealthy nation that does not make sure all our citizens are covered but we are also a country founded on beliefs of individual rights and freedoms, the freedom to chose . … The end result the reform is hoping for probably will end up as one big ass government monopoly. Ever wondered where that lost piece of mail ended up? How about dealing with the happy employees with their smiling faces at the local DMV? And I am sure the IRS can teach the medical system gurus how to quickly and efficiently handle any financial situations or billing problems that may arise.
Then thinking about it, if this does go through, I can file bankruptcy and/or cash out, move to Vermont and leave this over taxed no longer progressive state I live in now.
Now ducking and waiting for the responses.
Enlighten me. I confessed my fears and objections – your turn.
Rather than talking about the various proposals bouncing around Congress (there’s more than just one), I’ll just leave a link to my recent thoughts on my own healthcare/insurance issues.
Hiya Lisa,
There is no doubt that the heath care system has problems, major ones at that. I think there are four bills that I know of around out there. My good pal Karoli has been most helpful in helping me understand some of em and provided me with more info to mull about my mind.
I guess my thoughts are come across very self serving (centered) but I truly do realize that something needs to be done, no one should have to go without health care, or skimp on medication dosages because of the cost, etc. There is just the little part of me ( that I am not particularly proud of nor am I ashamed) that worries about what I may or may not loose.
The only bill I read and understood – yeah I am dense at times – is bill h.r.676 [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:h.r.00676:] and it’s been around since 2005 – I sure hope something gets accomplished soon.
Heck I can’t afford my co pay on provigil so I do not use/take it. I do not like the cost of our coverage but I am pretty happy with the quality of it.
Here’s the problem: It’s likely that the plan you currently have will change with or without reform. The best reform would be single payer. No question about it. But we’re not going to get it….look at the insanity over the public option, which is what all this ‘govt in my healthcare’ protest is about.
Next best, a public option alongside private options with baseline benefit levels. that may or may not happen. if it doesn’t, then you’re right. it will be no reform at all.
But still, I fight. Because it isn’t dead till the Senators who block it kill it. And when I know their names, I’ll be ready to support more progressive alternatives to them as they come up for re-election.
What isn’t acceptable to me is the lies. Not differences in interpretations. Lies. Outright, blatant, self-serving, cynical lies. I will do whatever needs to be done to expose the liars and their motives.