1. I can’t help myself.

    At the speed of light, matter is energy, and energy is matter. So *you* are the headlight. Feel free to turn yourself on.

    Parts of us are already traveling at the speed of light. They just don’t go very far.

    A box.

    A waste of time.

    For profit.

    For profit.

  2. Gretchen


    Any chance you live in Seattle? If you do maybe I can convince my son out of one of the multiple monitors he has–none of them fance-all pretty old! But they work!

    • Gretchen,

      Gosh how so very nice of you! I live in California the crazy state.

      I think I have come up with enough buck o roo’s just sell off the stuff laying around doing nothing but collecting dust (as the saying goes one persons junk is another s treasure – I so can not live without my computer hahhahah I am addicted to the mind suck that it is.

      Thank you so much for your offer it is so generous it is nice to know that people like you are around.

      You cheered me up for sure!!!!!

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