Sometimes bad things turn out to be good. I suppose the other side of this would be that good things could turn out to be bad things but not going to dwell on that end of the stick right now.
The bad thing was the burglary of the pharmacy that had us up in the wee hours of the morning – the good news from this: significant other received overtime pay –yes! Enough to take the monitor fund over the top.
I am now viewing this as I type on the new monitor.
The other good thing that came out of the bad thing – the monitor croaking in the first place – is that I was touched by a response on the post here from someone named Gretchen.
Gretchen I know nothing about you other than you have a Nikon D60, take photos of your son playing soccer, and perhaps live in the Seattle area. However, what I do know is that you offered help to someone you have never met – a true offer/act of kindness. Thank you.
This run of rotten luck in my little computer land has reminded me that while technology has changed and my reliance on it grow it also has allowed me to experience others genuine kindness and willingness to offer support. Steve’s comments kept me plugging along while totally frustrated when the computer decided to cease to function and my photo software was not compatible with the new puter system.
There are times when I feel disconnected and bored with my world. The comments received here help with that – all of your comments each and everyone of ya!
Ok, that is all I can handle serving up from the mush like sentimental gobbledygook. …
I like the metaphor of your photo. You just never know.
You know about Selenite aka cave roses! They are suppose to be magical. Peaceful.
Also aid in cures and associated with the Godess Diana!
Thank you for your comments, and for reading my blog. I love your pictures!