1. My lips and fingertips are sealed. I’m sorry this year has been so difficult, but in reading your post, I was taken by all the creative ways you’ve learned to cope and are managing a life interrupted. Sticks, too, has had to learn to manage something he never dreamed he’d be coping with ever, much less at age 20. As much as it sucks, it’s clear that you have lost no IQ points at all, but are stretching in directions you’d never go without being pushed there.

    It’s a good thing. Not a bad thing. Yes, I hope the economy picks up and we’re not just stuck with scraping by, but it’s good to know there are friends out there creating new ways to find a path to the next day successfully.

    Happy New Year. May 2010 bring you and your partner joy, peace, health and love. 🙂

    • Thank you for the kind wishes!

      I can not really imagine how hard it must be for Sticks to be dealing with (and I like this description) “managing a life interrupted” at such a young age. Here I am dealing the best I can at the age of 51 with my whole life ahead of me and your beautiful young son is doing the same, as we all do.

      It is quite an exercise of my mind – I look back and he is looking forward? Chronic illness alters our paths – I wonder how I would have managed, what path I would have gone down, if I had to face all this sucko stuff so early in life?

      Reading what you have shared through the years on your blog I somehow know that your kids are strong, your family loving, supportive, and spiritual. Not to mention how talented Dancer Girl and Sticks are!

      This past year has really stretched many of us in many ways. Our spirits will not be crushed!

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