If I could say something to KRP’s employer it would be a nastier version of you are ass hats!
We pay for health insurance – I am suppose to go have some lab tests done for kidney function, thyroid, liver . .. etc. BUT the “Evil Empire” decided for no particular reason to CANCEL my coverage!! Yes you read that right – several calls to their human resource center have resulted in no Joy. They will get it straightened out soon. ( I think they have 48 working hours to do so). Since it is their mistake not ours.
Do they give a rats ass that I have MS? Nope. Do they give a rats ass that I need my coverage? AUGH F’ing jerks. The lack of concern relayed via phone calls is amazing.
No reason for the boo boo, we found out only because Kaiser sent me a letter telling me I have been canceled as of the end of the year? Good thing I did not go in today for the test and decided to go in on Monday cause it would be less of a wait at the labs. LOL now that would have been embarrassing no?
Silly me thinking having the medical deducted for all these years meant that you like had medical coverage until you requested to drop it? These jerks have done so many things that are so wrong in so many ways . … I hate them – yes I do. But KRP has four more years till she can retire . … f f f f uck.
Hope they get it staightened out fast. Plus since this last pay stub shows they did not take the deduction for my coverage out it will probably take for ever to get that part fixed right too. Standard operating procedures for the Evil Empire also mean they will take the amount that was not taken out (why should they I could not use it for that period?) and then they will take out what they should BUT the next check they will probably once again take it out twice.
While ranting – KRP and I each have prescriptions for neurontin. Everytime one of us tries to refill our prescription the Evil Empires computer refused to do so – the pharmacist can not override this, the company takes two weeks to over ride it, meanwhile whomevers prescription it is can not get it refilled. Nor are you allowed to fill it early. Evil Empire’s system is set up such that it is to stupid to figure out that two prescriptions with different numbers, two different people with two different names and birth-dates are not one person since the main policy for drug coverage is under one name.
Oh Geez, this really sucks! I hope it gets straightened out soon! In the meantime, stay calm and collected. Stress will only make things worse for you.
Be well.
Well I decided to splurge and went to a music store in Davis and bought on modes and tunings for the dulcimer.
Now maybe I will be able to attempt to play something LOL.
Oh for cripes sake! As if dealing with chronic illnesses and loss isn’t enough. How about we yank the rug out from under you?!
Sorry you’re going through this – good luck getting it fixed. Keep breathing (and swearing).
I guess we all just have to keep keeping on ha ha . …
seriously swearing works! Not productive but what the heck it makes me feel better 😉