I attended the first PE class yesterday morning. We really did nothing much but hear all about the rules and regulations – most of them came under the DUH category. I think today will be more productive as the instructor will evaluate and set up a program to help reach my goals.
She passed out a sheet to feel out. One of the fields is to define our goals. Gosh some people took up the whole paragraph. All I could come up with was “improve my mobility and endurance”.
The weather here is crazy windy and lots of rain. It was more of a challenge getting to the class than being in the class yesterday. Yikes! I found my way to the machine to purchase the parking pass and it was broken. I got out my map and headed for another machine only to find the whole parking area surrounded by a chain link fence. After 5 mins of being in a line of vehicles I found a third machine – it ate every other quarter so it took two dollars to get to the one dollar mark and get a freaking pass! Wrong is so many ways.
Once I found parking near the classroom area all was good – stressed out but I got there. I was planning on finding the admin building and purchasing a semester pass but the weather gave me an easy out on that one.
Today I am looking out the window and honestly it is one of those days weather wise that only a ding bat would go out in if they did not have to. And, gosh I have to.
I do not drive a lot anymore because frankly I get lost and it is not a fun thing to do anymore. I used to love to drive drive drive but now I rather have someone else do it. Geezz the wind and rain is crazy heck out there. Hope the machines work today.
So maybe more later if the power stays on.
Did you change your blog design? Or (more likely) am I losing my mind? I feel like I’ve never been here before…forgive me if I haven’t, I lost my bookmarks a while back…now where was I, oh yeah, geez, the class, I HATE how getting some place makes arriving pale in comparison! The MS curse.
Unless I am losing my mind it has not changed since your last comment here errr augh mid December.
Today at least the parking ticket machines worked! But one of the other class members came in late with her husband (also in the class) and he was bleeding because their dog bit him at home prior.
The teacher had to stop what she was doing and take care of the situation – like call the campus medic to cover the colleges arse.
So nothing got done today other than it cost me a bit of gas, stress driving in the wind and pouring down rain, and I got to give the nice young nursing student a ride back to her car across campus.