Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving – Albert Einstein
One of my traits I am stubborn to a fault at times. Hyperactive, intense, goofy, rebellious, kind, spirited – words my friends sometimes use to describe me (Idiotic is another by the way) .
I have received several interesting emails since starting on my bicycle adventure. My first inclination is to wonder why don’t you say that or ask that in a comment on the blog? I am not a big private email-er between bloggers – I do occasionally send one but it is not the norm. There is only one person that I have at one time regularly conversed with and that is Karoli. So, before you all try and figure out who wrote what – it was not anyone whom (who?) has ever commented here.
So to answer some of your questions in public – unlike the asking part was presented:
No I do not think I am “all that”, yes I get tired, yes I really do have MS, no I do not take uppers or shoot up ( good grief folks!), and no I do not take DMD’s never have and probably never will.
Ok, you see a pattern here? Other than the last question I am shaking my head and going WTF?
I do all that I can do, when I can do it, and when what I can do changes I either get really pissed because I can no longer do something or I get really excited and ride (pun intended) my good fortune till the end when it something I can do.
I am hoping (guessing) that most of these emails originated via Youtube because I have only received a few emails in the whole time of having this blog up – seems odd that so many came all at once.
If you want me to stop sending the inspirational pictures of kitties shooting up steroids, just say so.
Gosh Steve that was you!! I never would have known if you had not disclosed LOL.
Count on it coming from YouTube. I get some of the most bizarre comments to this day on that video of the paper roller coaster Sticks made a couple of years back. weirdness abounds.
Yes weirdness does abound – especially around here nowadays ha ha but it kind of surprised me that it flowed over to the blog.
Then there is the video comment that I can not decide if it serious or just a yank the chain – asking if depression is a part of MS and the first video on the person channel is of a gun – albeit one that shoots only blanks but?? yah know LOL.
Shaking head and asking WTF?
Why would anyone have a problem with you doing whatever you can, whenever you can, for as long as you can?
Of course, if you knew the answer to that, you wouldn’t have written that post, would you?
What brings out the weirdness on the net amazes me sometimes.
Once I noticed that some of my flickr photos were being used on sites I had never heard of.
I went to a recipe site where they were using photos to show different dishes after completion and lo and behold there was Mr Catfish’s photo being used for some catfish recipe – it was way too funny.