What makes you think that I would want to give you my phone number in order to create an account? You already track what I google, what sites I surf too, and who sends me mail at my other gmail account. Gosh I just wanted to make a new account with my real name address – well dang me!
To bad cause no freaking way are you getting it. Besides, my cell phone has texting turned off and I mean off because of all the spam I had to pay for since we do not pay for texting. So it is not even an option and giving you my unlisted home phone you have so got to be joking!
Really? Phone number?
Is this a new request to open a new account? I don’t remember having to give phone information when I established any of the three gmail accts I have. hmmm
Apparently, I have 3 accounts and I did not do this for them. I just had to do the verify email thing. Now they have this window that asks for either a number to text message verify or one to call and have a voice message giving you the verification code.
I am thinking – NOT – try it and see I got it twice so I guess it is the new info grabber quest to get the talons in deeper. Don’t need a gmail account that bad LOL
Don’t hold back, Jan. What you really think?
OK I think that google is a relative of Darth Vader.
I love Google, BUT, no and hell no way. Reminds me of my quest for Lady Gaga tickets (as a gift) and being told to give my last 4 digits of soc #—NO WAY O.J.
Hmm. I have a T-Mobile G1 Android phone with Google, so I guess Google already has my cell number.