Monday school started back up. The first day for Adaptive P.E and Tuesday I have Adapt. P.E. and the first day of Adaptive swimming. Umm … wonder how I am going to like swimming? It is suppose to be over 100 deg. so I dunno – I might melt!
My friends and I needed to purchase our parking permits at the college admin office. Good grief the line was all the way out the building and it was hot. So, we decided to walk on by all the youngsters in line and went into the building. Cathy walked up to the first available window and told the gal she wished to purchase a permit. The clerk obviously noticed she had just cut in line but sold her the permit and then me one also. Then she asks me if I had just walked in and cut in front of everyone while glancing over at the security person. Cathy tells her yes we did – you should really have a handicapped line and then she walked away. The gal just gave me a funny look and I turned and walked off also.
I spent the afternoon reading a few chapters and then I started playing with the video’s again. I am starting to figure out the green screen effects but have a long way to go.
I bought some green cloth yardage and made my own and a few pieces of green poster board. It is kind of interesting to me how it all works. Lighting the screen is problematic since I do not won any studio lights. It makes it hard to get it right using my room lamp and desk light. It is like setting up the flashes for photography shots. Only I have a good set of photography flashes and I do not have any lights . … see I just had to B about something!
Today’s attempt at a video:
Am still laughing! The photo gave me a vague flashback to high school era for some reason. Hmm.
About the video, well, you’re just becoming dangerously talented aren’t you? Most excellent. But, just what does Catfish do with cats?! Forever young is a nice touch for Zoom (and all of us).
Keep ’em coming.
Since our last kitty “Tater” died when he was a pup and then came Annie – I am not sure what he would do with a kitty? Annie on the other hand thinks they are game. So, no kitties this batch of canine’s.
OK, seriously Catfish does not want you to think he would harm a Kitty he used to cuddle with
Tater kitty and missed her very much for quit a while. He wanted me to have you tell Jake that.
The Association changed the rules so we are only allowed two pets now.
Whew — relieved!
Actually with the restraint Krista showed, I think Jake has a skewed concept of the typical dog – cat interaction. He’s been traipsing back and forth in front of a large neighbor dog that’s in a frenzy on the other side of a short fence. Doh, my kitty lacks street-smarts.
Pushing the nine lives thing is he?
Excellent video, Jan! Good use of the green screen.
Glad you liked.
LOL, sorry, I had to delete your comment because it would ruin the surprise for new readers of the story. At stories end I will delete the entire bette blog. (I only left bette comments on people who appeared to be reading the mystery.) A few others I will not publish either. I have NEVER deleted or not published any comments on my real blog. Off topic–did I see YOU in the special features on the L Word DVD set? It looked just like you.Has anyone ever asked you that b4? (I am sooo late to seeing the L Word.)
I really was not upset LOL seriously it was the first I think? Any who – I usually post all comments also – unless I know they are not real bra hahahhahahaha ….or they are mean spirited or nasty.
Your mystery story is fun and some of your tie ins and clues are well thought out – now if only my brain could keep track of em all.