1. Hey, using a snorkel to swim is not dorky! It can’t be, ’cause that’s how I swim, too… and I can turn my head. I just never got the whole turn-your-head-to-breathe coordinating thing down.

  2. Yes, swimming! I was working on a post about rediscovering the pool. It’s nice to feel kinda normal in the forgiving water. Although, for me, I’ve got legs of cement when I get out. Glad the snorkel gig is working out so you can do this.

    Oh, my head spins at all the stuff you have going on. Enjoy!

    • It is amazing how much work it is to move about after getting out of the water. First off I am pooped and second it is so much easier to be balanced in the water. I do not have to worry about falling down or over LOL.

      I slept all day after this weeks adventures I was reading and next thing I know it was 9pm – oh crap I was suppose to pick KRP up at work at 8:30 – I even slept through the where are you phone calls. Her tire was flat this morning and I took her to work so she would not be late.

  3. Good job swimming 6 laps! It doesn’t look as dorky as I had imagined it would. Hey, whatever works. I also hate that feeling when you get out of the water; it’s like being 50 pounds heavier, and gravity is suddenly your enemy. Fun videos.

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