“There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Outer Limits.
— Opening narration – The Control Voice – 1960s
So I have been spending way too much time messing with blog. I have received some comments on the last post. Hey “anonymous” with no email or website? Really? Discussing the matter of the text and color selection usage on blogs is “. … rather gestopoish”. Well, first off let me say there is no such word “gestopoish”! Second you can light gray text on a white background with extra small text if you want too – I won’t visit your blog. Just to show you how controlling I am – yours is one of the few comments ever (other than sp-am and Diane’s made up blogger) that I will not post.
Well I finally cleaned out all the widgets and bling that were causing validation failures.
Added a few fun things to play with if you want:
- a theme changer
- and new social icons
So worthless?
Which of them do you like the best if any?
Should we all just use news readers and never visit each others blog sites?
Is the blog going back to it’s roots and becoming more content oriented than eye candy?
Do you ever really use the past posts and latest comments listed on the side bar?
Are blog rolls good or bad?
“Errant computers can be reprogrammed, imperfect machines redesigned… but human beings are another matter.” – Awakening, Closing from The Outer Limits
As the owner of this space, you have the perfect right to flush inappropriate comments. I think that as people shift to the small screens of mobile devices, content will be more and more important, and that more standardization of blog formats will arise, if only to to promote legibility. At the same time, more typographical choices are beginning to appear. Font art?
Font art – I remember this one and found it again. Simple – but drew my eye to the eye.
Zebra Eye by fuzzyzebra.
I am still stuck on my printer can have it’s own email. Not sure what I would do with that fact. My phone is a phone, my camera a camera, although I have taken photos with my phone (not very good ones).
Check this development: http://webfonts.info/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page These services should get cheaper soon.
Oh good, I have regained control of my monitor. So, I like to see blog rolls, because I like to see who my peeps read and are read by and have come across blogs I wouldn’t have found otherwise.
I HATE, abhor, despise reading from Google reader. I much prefer to go to the source itself. The way the blog is set up reflects the writer’s personality to some extent, keeping in mind their aptitude and talent for web design.
I like Suffusion best, it is the easiest to read for me. I don’t like black backgrounds, because the light letters form shadows which makes it hard to see, If you had other questions, I’ve already forgotten them, so that’s it for me!
Hope you’re well,
I am reconstructing my blog roll and placed it in a page.
The readers so far have all driven me nuts. I use the newsfox news reader plugin for firefox. I did give feedly a try and I am not sure about it. I like it put I think google has enough data on me already.
Black backgrounds are hard for me also. White with black print sometimes has too much contrast. I live gray the best.
Oh yeah if; you want you blog title larger maybe this means something to you??
.Header h1 a {
color:#FFFFFF; my-15-in-15.html #2 (line 172)
a:active, a:visited, a:link {
font-family:Comic Sans MS;
} my-15-in-15.html #5 (line 2047)
I guess that is your css? I do not know much about blogger. 12 a tad to small.
I think Catfish has a blog there emm maybe I will go see if he does LOL
Well, I started to comment a couple times and got distracted by the social icons. I was in Flickr for a long time going through your amazing photos. Poked around FF and looked at some of your videos again. So, I guess that’s a “yes” vote for the social icons being useful!
No, I don’t use the comments on the side. In fact, I don’t always get notified from your site about follow-up comments. Yes, I do go into past posts from time to time — not often though.
I like the theme option — very nice. I’m guessing Anonymous somehow perceived the conversation about fonts and colors more as a kin to an oppressive Neighborhood Association. One that restricts house colors for conformity rather than the discussion arising from a desire, a choice, to attempt to be inclusive.
Actually, I use the reader for most blogs. It’s usually only the sites I comment on that I visit. So, in the content vs. artistic expression conversation, I guess I’d say it depends. Just like people blog for very different reasons, I follow various blogs for different reasons. Those who blog daily and push content from other sites, I rarely visit but do skim over in the reader.
Blog rolls. That’s a timely question as I was thinking of doing away with mine since my blog roll isn’t all inclusive but rather a selection of blogs I follow. I feel rather odd about that for some reason. As far as the blogs that I really follow, they are the folks who regularly comment. So, someone can link from the comments. This leads me into thoughts of blog communities but since I’ve rambled almost as long as your post, I’ll stop here!
I never really thought anyone would actually go look at the stuff. I need to make another dorky video Brandon and his girl friend get extreme pleasure teasing me about them.
I think perhaps like in any social situation bloggers find their own niches and communities form.
Blog rolls have always been problematic for me. What blogs go on them? I mean if I read your blog but don’t think those I know read mine would like your stuff to I leave you off? If I do will you wonder why I did not put you on there?
What if someone adds me to their list does this mean I should reciprocate? It is too much stress LOL.
I hope the current trend to do away with them and utilize the social network share this or bookmark pages become the norm. Then again I dunno who 3/4 of the people I accepted friend re-guests from on face book are . … wimp I am a wimp
Yes to everything you said about blog rolls. Although I see their obvious usefulness, they tend to have an exponential citation effect driving a blog community more tightly inward than outward. I purposely don’t list a couple very popular sites that I follow for that reason. Yet I don’t want to lay the whole list out for a variety of reasons. And, then you get into the choosing dilemma that you noted.
Oh, FB? While I acknowledge some really good things about FB, I’ve been FB-clean for a few months now.
We live in an interesting time.
Yeah I mean do you see me on any blog roll. I tell you I am emotionally injured woof woof hee hee and Scooby-Doo
I live in Reader, but not for thoughtful reading.