I am trying to find a plugin to use to make a photo album. Narrowing the selection to those I can figure out how to use and how many validation errors they throw I am trying the flickr gallery plugin. It only throws 2 errors. Who knows, maybe I can figure out how to fix em? Yeah right!
There are some awesome plugins out there but they require to much setup for me and my foggy mind. I do not wish to upload the photos to my server nor do I want to pay for another/better online service. I already pay (although a small amount) for a flickr account.
Well check out the photo gallery page – link in the right sidebar or click here for the page.
Let me know what you think?
Your photography is truly captivating. I think the bug eyes is one of my favorites.
Have you ever sold any?
Your compliment is very appreciated.
Did the album work out well on the blog? Easy to use middle hard?
I like the bug eyes too but my favorite for just wow it happened was my relfection in the horse eye. them Wrinkle my favorite goose at the park.
never sold any. My Broccoli and a poppy shot were on Webmd thanks to Karoli.
I have many problems because of my Optic neuritis so I do not get out much to shoot anymore ;(
Most of my photographic time is doing weddings, Christenings , b-day parties, and baby showers for my Mexican friends. They so appreciate getting the full treatment and they FEED me well!! Lots of great fun and food.
I take pics for my friends that were past tent city folks and always get volunteered by my friend to take pics at anything to do with the homeless shelter. I have met so many interesting people doing this. One of the most interesting guys I have met along this path is Costa Mantis.
Oh yeah I take pics for Ryan playing football and Brandon’s Bass tournaments. And my pal Chucks Porsches.
I am trying to get my right eye to see what my left one used to . …
Sounds likes a very cool use of your skills.
The photo album worked well although it would be nice if you there was a “next” button after viewing a photo. The collage effect of looking at them all together is powerful.
Trying to train a different eye for scoping out the pic? Sounds like a brain gym thing. Hope it goes well as I enjoy the results of your photographer “eye”.
Not sure if I am understanding right?
When the pop up opens up and if I hold the mouse cursor over it an arrow with next comes up on the right hand side about the middle.
Does this not work here for you?
Or are you talking about the flickr pages?
I am lost as usual.
It is strange but using the right eye somehow bypasses my creative part of my brain or something? So I end up looking for the shot with my left eye and then using my right eye to focus.
I can see general stuff but all foggy and out of focus with the left eye.
Very frustrating trying to re learn for sure.
Doh! You’re not lost. I just didn’t hover over the pop-up photo with my mouse to discover the possibilities. Gads — what’s the emoticon for hanging one’s head in shame?
Photos are fantastic — I’m so jealous! I love looking at really good shots. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about your “plug-ins,” not even what that means. All I can do is: take the card out of the camera, stick in the thingy on the laptop, listen for the chime, open up Picasa, click import, and then move them to my pictures. I’m so pathetic…
hey the hard part is getting out and taken the pics. I have trouble getting the little SD cards in and out of the camera sometimes. My software does not chime :(, and I am too lazy to weed through all my crappy shots and delete them off my drive. I cheat and only upload the ok ones.
Plugins are components/applications that are added on to do something. Like here I used a plugin called flickr album to import the photos and make the album pages.
I think your question was, is it easy to view your pictures like these on Flickr. If that was it, my answer is Yes. Easy, Peasy! I didn’t go through every one, but I saw a good number that I really liked. Nice job, Jan.
My eyes started flashing a little last night. I thought to myself, “Here we go again…”, but they settled down after awhile. It’s one symptom that scares me, because it would mean no more driving! Been there, done that, and it sucks!
How about using the photo album here on the blog?
Glad your eyes settled down! I still have good depth perception the eye doc actually reran that test cause he did not believe the results – with both eyes all is good that way thank goodness so I can still drive safely.
If the right one goes I am so toast. That honestly scares the crap out of big time. Not that I drive a lot any more but getting around here using only the bus means getting started a few hours early and well the transport systems here in this area – scary fellow riders.
Yeah I so see me getting up early walking in the dark to a bus stop that is located in an unsafe place OH Yeah right!