Burrrr, seriously should’nt the weather allow for adjustment? Just a few weeks ago we were doing 80’s now wake up to the 30’s – not fair LOL.
Before all you snow folks tell me what a wimp I am – I will admitt it right off. The hot always bothers me but usually the cold weather does not. Except – when it changes fast and does not let me adjust. Ok, I know put on a coat!
After class I had to meet the insurance lady at Starbucks to pick up the check for the tires. Since I was already 1/4 of the way to the wildlife refuge and I had my camera with me I decided to head out there.
Lots of geese flying around. Lots of cold wind – did I mention burrrr? Is this why feather stuffed comforters are warm -the birds do not look cold to me .
I took about 20 shots before I felt like a Popsicle – my bad since once I arrived I discovered that I only had a sweat shirt and no coat. Burrrr …..
I converted a few of the shots from NEF to jpeg before getting frustrated with the keyboard. I think I did better than last time because at least you can tell they are birds. I broke down and shot in manual and shutter priority. Shutter priority umm – kind of makes it a bit easier.
So here are some of the photos I took. Images linked to flickr so you can look at larger if you want. Or use the photo album link on the left.
Maybe I can find some frost tommorrow if I get up and brave the cold early in the morning – I am thinking Not! But I never know.
Mr. Catfish is still wondering if I am going to get the cam off him and set up in the carport. 100ft of cable to run and still have to figure out the best method to bring it into the inside. Do not want the walls to leak now do we?
Whoa… look at all that blue sky! I think I saw little bit of blue sky… yesterday… for a little while. Up here, I think we see blue sky about as often as we see snow this time of year. Which is to say, not very often.
Your photos were worth braving the cold for, though. Nice!
For keyboard/mouse frustration, check this out: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eviacam/
Mom thinks maybe I should go on the webcam and try this woof woof
Seriously, she thinks that looks very promising.
How well does it work?
How well does it work? Better than I expected. It’s all relative, I guess. It probably depends on how much trouble you’re having with a regular mouse or trackball. Why not give it a try? Since you’ve already got a WebCam, the price is right : )
Amazing shots. Beautiful.
thank you.
I hope I can get back in the swing of it again.
I sometimes forget I am suppose to set the camera DOH
I liked the middle one the best. Beautiful pictures. Shivering not noticed. It’s time to toss an extra jacket in the car methinks. The 30s is too cold to be standing around taking pictures.
Ok it was low 30’s that night in the 50’s the afternoon with wind.
Yeah having a coat would have been the smart thing with the wind it was cold to me.
I still am used to 70’s.
We are having record lows around here for this time of year.
My skinny butt gets cold – I do not notice until I am way to cold. I should take more notice to the temps and just put a jacket on even if I do not think I am cold. Then I would have it. Do not know if that makes sense?