I am a bit under the weather. One of the gals in our PE class gave some of us illness. I have not gotten sick like this for a long time. It kind of sucks because my balance is way off, my numb limbs are getting number, and the bit of vision I have gained back in my left eye has left again
I guess my over active MS system is on the attack. Would be nice if it wiped out this freaking cold and sore throat. It never ceases to amaze me how on one side of the deal my over active immune system usually keeps me from getting sick yet, on the other side of the deal when I do it is not good. I mean the little guys are out trying to off the cold junk but mess up the nerve junk. Augjh!
I did not get much done today and did not go to the refuge as planned. Cancelled my plans to go for a cuppa joe with my pal Chuck also. I did pick up a small leaf and made a silly movie with it.
Fun looking at things closer.
It took awhile to get the thing to render but finally I got it uploaded to youtube and the photo to flickr.
So below is the video and then the leaf photo.
look at leaf in the large size to see more detail
Sorry about the crud — I’ve got some too. Really takes the other symptoms back for me too.
You’re so talented. I was wandering around some red rock country this last weekend and taking photos. Thought, bet Jan could really do something with this. Although I was relatively content to switch between auto settings on my little Powershot.
Be well.
Yeah I would be snapping away!
hey I am not a photo snob! Some of the most interestin and beautiful pics I have seen were shot by my friends with their little point and shoots. It is not the equiptment it is the eye behind the lens. My friends pics got snitched by CNN awhile back – cell phone pics!
the crud is still crudding along – YUK, YUK. I could have sworn last night that my sinuses did not exist. Clogged up solid. Now the klennex box and I are getting to know each other.
Yeah, I know you’re not a photo snob. I think since my dad is somewhat into photography, I carry with me the knowledge that I could make it a bit better if I tried. When we were in the desert, I was taking a photo and my dad came by with a filter that he held in front of my point and shoot. Now I don’t know what the filter was but I sure could see it made things better!
Hope your crud is getting better. Mine has been downright brutal — lungs now. Yack!
I noticed your dads photos were at a different umm level I guess I should say.I have some filters that are large squares that fit in a holder. I can use them in front of my small point and shoot – I just hold them in front of it.
modern camera’s have so many features. Gosh reading the manuals for my Nikons was like reading a technical manual on early nuclear microscopes.
them my watch has more brains than my first computer.
You should take more pics when your out! Catfish likes pics of Jakester.
My crud is getting better I can actually breath through my nose now. And the klennex box is going slower . …
Hope your getting better as your read this 😉
Cool equipment!
A tad behind modern now but for my amateur level it works.
I am always wanting better glass . …
When I was your age I had an a couple of Leicas, IIf, IIIg, and they sucked, but they had I think elmarits and summicron lenses, which made up for the clunky bodies.
I have a friend that loves Leicas. I played with another gals Mamiya I liked it better – the feel I guess more balanced? she is a popular wedding photographer here so she has lots of good stuff. I have no need for such l gear.
One of your lens would buy my whole set up. Nice and fast. Mine are all slow f/3.5 etc. except the only prime I have managed to buy 50mm 1.4. Makes getting fast shutter speeds in low light a challenge.
A nice D7000 would make me do the jig LOL I do not think Santa is gonna drop one by. Wants and needs are different.
Hope you are feeling a lot better now. You have such great photo equipment. I just have a point and shoot…well I can do all the manual settings, but I am too lazy.
I am feeling better not all better but getting closer.
It is not the camera it is what you do with it!