1. “Dear Godson…”

    OK, that answers my question, which was:

    “Why are you talking to this guy?”

    It’s hard to watch someone you care about do something really stupid.

    • Yes it is. Plus he really hurt KRP’s feelings.
      Me I do get my feeling hurt but I just get over it OR I write the person off OR I pout LOL!

  2. Ditto. That answers my question on part 2 why you folks hadn’t kicked him to the curb.

    This reminds me of a situation not with an MLM but with a practitioner. While I’ve worked a lot with alternative practitioners who hold non-traditional beliefs, in 2008 I was really exposed to it being applied to the extreme by an Ayurvedic Nurse Practitioner.

    Even though she likely viewed her approach as empowering, I found it quite demeaning. If you assert and believe that we create every single aspect of our reality, there’s always an unstated implication of blame. I really let her get under my skin. I only kept going for a while because she was helping my stomach which had been ripped apart by some strong meds from the rheumatologist, my insurance covered her and she was across the street. Finally, I couldn’t stomach her subtle implications that I was afraid of or resisting healing.

    Am guessing he’s young? It’s easier then to have the answers until you have been sifted through the life lottery machine. So listen Jane, don’t let this little, uh, bugger have control.

    • Jane has left the room.
      Jan is disappointed.

      To a point positive attitude can help. An open mind is always a good thing but there is a point when I know that if I am doing my best and trying and someone else’s perception is that I am not – then i usually turn my ears off.

  3. I don’t mean to come across as if I’m negating guiding our thoughts. I do believe our thoughts are very powerful. For instance, athletes and high achievers talk about focusing and seeing “it” — their goals in order to achieve them. We all can harness and use that ability in our life.

    However, I don’t think that acknowledging the power and creative ability of our thoughts should be applied into a predictable linear equation — a vending machine if you will. If I properly repeat, believe, and think X, then Y will always happen. If we subscribe that thinking, then everyone who is suffering is at fault somehow. And, then I think we lose a bit of our humanity and compassion for the human condition.

    Dunno if that makes more sense or if it sounds like I’m talking out of both side of my mouth.

    • I got what you were saying and agree.
      was just trying to agree LOL
      I try really hard not to judge others physical or mental problems.
      Everyone does not fit into one nice little neat package – although the doc’s try hard to make us.

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