I remember listening to this song and album with friends in Junior High School. yeah Neil on getting inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
I have no recollection of why we felt so unimportant at that age? Gosh, if we only new what wanting to scream out in a crowed hall I am ! or feeling not so significant I Said!
Augh teenagers feeling so unnoticed and trying to be so unique – LOL It also is one of the songs I listened to with my friend Amy. It came on the radio on our way home from a college course we were taking at night while in High School. We started talking about how someday we would be famous and everyone would know our name. That we would never be lonely and then we laughed and repeated over and over back and forth to each other
“I said!” -“I am”.
Then again we listened to a lot of songs. The last album we listened to together at her house was Elton Johns Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. Then life got in the way and we spent less time together in our senior year.
But here I am sitting thinking about all the things MS has taken, getting frustrated, or just wondering alone.
Of friends present and friends past.
When I was at my sister’s a few months ago, we had a day that was very rigorous for me. We had tentative evening plans but I told them I likely couldn’t participate. Anyway, went home and laid down for a nap. My brother-in-law was blasting Neil Young on the stereo which was actually comforting. I got up and went with them for the short evening plans saying that the recuperative power of napping and Neil Young had allowed me to do that!
Friends present… friends past… a different lifetime … I find those ponderings can be healing, depressing, perspective-building and dangerous all simultaneously.
Yah, sometimes Neil just hits the right space.
I am kind of in the simultaneously space LOL
Lots of good stuff and lots of stress stuff.
Wave the wand alright already LOL