1. You turned green. It’s 86 here…blah, I have been in the house all day (central air), can’t even take the dog out for a pee. I could melt, but if I don’t get him out soon, he could burst! Let’s see…melt…burst…melt…burst. The dog votes melt…off we go!

    • temp 102

      Wish I could run the central right now but between the new energy meter reading three times as fast as the old one and the installation folks not placing the insulation in the attic back proper I am back to the portable in the one room until we can find someone to get up into the attic and fix the hot air leaks.

      Stay cool – I let Annie and Catfish use the doggie door. Although Catfish is mostly up in the air conditioned room with me he is a wimp like me. 🙂

  2. I don’t envy you. I’ve been in the Central Valley when it’s in triple digits, and it hurts.

    As much as I whine about rainy gray Seattle, today it has finally worked its way up to 70°, the warmest it’s been so far this year. Me, I’ll take rainy and gray over triple digits any day.

    Stay cool, if you can.

    • I like the weather up there much better also. I loved it when I would get to spend time at my Aunt and Uncles in the summer time. My one Aunt would make me berry pies out of all the berries I could pick. YUM!

  3. Ack 102! No thanks. Good luck.

    So, you’re getting more talented all the time with the video. Got some ideas for a project?

    • No ideas maybe try making 3D with only one camera ummm . .. offset the timing or something like that I dunno.

      Suggestions welcome although no always taken 🙂


    • Whew – I was thinking maybe I forgot something. Sherri and I sort of had one once so it was not out of the whelm of possibilities. I seem to forget many things lately.

      I am betting you can do it with your own flair of course – it is all about the fun and sometimes a good road trip!


  4. 105 every day here right now… and no rain! ugh

    i LOVE your videos!! they are so fun… even when you are green…. 😉

    • yeah it is hot for sure and your all hotter that sucks the big one for us MS folks!
      Hurry up and get the cam so we can play video games LOL

  5. At 100+, not even a cooking vest would last very long. I’d go for one that you soak in cook water, then switch it out every few hours. Cheaper than A/C!!

    What does your T-shirt say after “If you can read this…”? It was bunched up and I couldn’t read further.

    Keep entertaining yourself, and us, with your videos. Keeps you out of trouble.

    • It is designed after an eye chart it says:
      U CAN
      READ T
      AND AWAY

      Then at very bottom Legal notice: if you have serious problems with your eyesight, please seek the advice of a qualified eye care professional.

  6. I see from the other comments that we all have heat! I stay in a/c too. We did get a bit of rain today so our humidity will stop being so dry at 35%….I am used to Georgia heat/humidity 🙂 Green you are….

    • Yeah it is that time of the year! The humidity always kicked me bad when visiting back south it is more dry heat here whew!
      Today it is way cooler have not checked the outside temp but it is only 76F upstairs about 10 less than yesterday at this time 🙂 woo hoo!!

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