1. The days have been long, and filling them has become an issue with me. I am hoping for an early autumn so I can get out and about with the living again.

    I am a ditz when it comes to technology now. I used to get it, but it’s become too advanced and complicated. I was never really into FB, I think I am the only person I know with a FB account that has less than 30 friends on it, because they are all really my friends! I’d give G+ a try, but I have to sign up for a gmail address, dunnno if I really need ANOTHER email address.

    Would have loved to have seen your WTF looks on your face…hee hee. I have become immune to surprise when I fall anymore, I do it so often :O


    • Karen if you do wish the invite let me know how to get the link to you. I will try send one to you now if you do not get it ummm? one extra email LOL I have so many it can be overwhelming. I use the chrome browser for all the google stuff it integrates well and I just check the gmail from the browser tab.

      I so can not wait for it to be fall/autumn! The heat does stifle activities and participation in daily life out in the “real world”. I do not even know how many facebook friends I have under kmilyun? I hardly ever check in there as it well drives me nuts! The other one under my “real” name is just folks I actually know – and yeah not too many LOL.

      My best WTF moment – wish I had not deleted the video of it – was when my green screen sheet came undone and fell atop me. I was trapped and could not get out! I kind of freaked 🙂

  2. My days now consist of physical therapy and doctor visits and blogging. I remember when I first stopped working the transition was brutal. My idenity was wrapped up in my career. Now, my shank says I need to get an idenity outside of MS! WTF!

    • I wonder what exactly that means – outside of MS? If it means that everything is not about having MS I sort of do that. It is all in perspective I guess. I do not think Oh I am doing this because I can not do that – damn MS. I just try and enjoy what I am doing at the time.

      Then again I adapt and in adaptation there underlies the reason why I am adapting.

  3. Oh, I so get the sleep dilemma — the pressure of needing to sleep when you have to get up at a certain time. Last night I couldn’t get to sleep, so I got up and was quietly cleaning the kitchen — sorting spices and such. Around 2, I was finally able to sleep and woke up late. It’s nice not to stress about the timing.

    Yet I do get that it’s healthy to shake out of the little home/cyber world and to rub elbows with non-pixelated folk when one can. I hope the PE class is good and that some of the folks that you liked from before are in there again. As sore as I am from an excursion downtown Seattle yesterday (some uphill and downhill blocks from bus to doc), me thinks I need to get a good PT program to follow.

    About G+, I’ve enjoyed the hang outs. Still don’t really understand the +1 bit and I have just a few folks I know on there. So, a ways to go. But thumbs up on the hang out feature — am going to get a microphone to save my diaphragm!

    Glad you’re figuring out the phone. I last night found myself on the Apple site looking at Mac notebooks. Not sure if I want to take that learning curve on!

    • I hope you are all rested up from the big excursion! Amazing how everyday dealings can wipe me out so the up and down would have me snoozing.

      Most of the people do return each semester to the class so I am looking forward to catching up between exercises. I believe that I get more out of having to get my arse out of bed and show up than I do from the actual exercises sometimes.

      I am slowly catching on to some of the G+ stuff. I use the +1 on some of the peoples posts that I follow but am to chicken to comment on – like a thumbs up. Trouble is if I +1 then it shows up in public circles even if originally in a private one. Ummm this is good mental exercise!

      Oh I wish I could afford a Mac!

  4. I signed up for G+ but haven’t really figured out what to do with it. Haven’t really put anything out there, nor have I commented on other folks’ stuff. FB is kinda easy because so much is gathered there in one location, ie. my real-life friends, colleagues from the past and present, bloggers, and other online MS people. But I should give G+ a try.

    • G+ does provide a place where you can communicate without all the noise :). I never have gotten the facebook thing. I do have an account that is just for real life people that I know. Mostly I keep it for info on high-school stuff. I am thinking of deleting the kmilyun one as I never use it anyways and the face recognition programs that facebook (and here I though google was the biggest data miner) is using is starting to connect the two accounts and that is not where I wish to go .

  5. Well now I am back to the sit back and wait mode because of google+ announcement that they are adding games. It is set up nicer than other sites – the game junk will be separate from the main stream but . … first so and so took this quiz or found this out about you – heart me this or farmville me that I am outta there to.

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