So, I log in to my blog and there are no posts. I mean NO post they are all gone! if any of you checked in here today please let me know when as I am determined to figure out when this happened time wise.
I checked the database and the post table is gone – yep just gone. If you no nothing about databases just imagine a filing cabinet and the whole drawer labeled posts was not there. Every file folder stored in that drawer lost. Umm
So, I went back to the last backup I had – and this is all my laziness again it was from June LOL. Good thing I did not post a lot lately hee hee something positive out of that at least. I tried the repair tools in mysql myphpsql but the table of posts was corrupted beyond repair. Other records were mysteriously gone also and my main language in my administration page items related to jetpack turned to Czech or Romanian or something while a was looking at it. Who knows maybe the news features were put out in those languages?
I have recreated the missing posts best I can – sorry all you comments are lost. I ended up going to my news reader and copying the posts before they disappeared from there.
Well, I am now off to go scream because databases frustrate the heck out of me. Maybe I will come back later and figure out the photos etc that are missing, rebuild sitemaps etc. .
and yeah I am running the backup right now. I guess that will teach my lazy arse . …
update: 4:27pm I am working on finding a way to restore comments from older backup to this database, if anyone knows how to do this with the post id’s having been changed?