With the signing of the Military Commissions Act , the Bush Administration has now completely obliterated habeas corpus from the American Constitution. It seems the U.S. government can now arrest anyone, no matter their nationality, and hold them indefinately without cause, charges, trial, or an opportunity to confront their accuser. Those arrested can be detained and moved anywhere the U.S deems appropriate; these places are not reserved to U.S. soil.
Statement by President Bush:
“Today, the Senate sent a strong signal to the terrorists that we will continue using every element of national power to pursue our enemies and to prevent attacks on America. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 will allow the continuation of a CIA program that has been one of America’s most potent tools in fighting the War on Terror. Under this program, suspected terrorists have been detained and questioned about threats against our country. Information we have learned from the program has helped save lives at home and abroad. By authorizing the creation of military commissions, the Act will also allow us to prosecute suspected terrorists for war crimes” – Source: White House Press Office
Doggone my stupid readers — I’m getting posts 2 days after the fact. Grrrr.
If we don’t elect some balance in the Congress this maniac will run amok over the next two years. If ever there was a reason to vote on Tuesday, it is to defeat Republican majorities in the House and Senate, purely to keep some reins on him.