I must admit that this database problem has me really rethinking modern blogging stuff (again). With each “improvement” these platforms make I end up metaphorically banging my head against my desk. Perhaps it is my lesion-filled brain, a generational technology gap, or my lack of enthusiasm to join the brave new world but seriously, way to many “you have got to be joking” moments are happening.
This blog Bifurcate In The Road is a self-hosted blog that’s owner happens to have multiple sclerosis. I enjoy connecting with others. The past few years most of the comments received have come from MS bloggers. Years of piecing together themes and changes made to accommodate the latest platform updates have played havoc with the database. It needs major cleanup. Not one that can be handled by a plug-in but the old fashioned hunt and seek sql commands kind.
The need for tech savvy folks to mess with others via hacking, spam, etc. baffles me. With each new security breach new changes to blog platforms come and with each software update new conflicts arise. Even the operating system at mission control here is due for some more updates Tuesday.
Alarms are ringing, warning lights flashing, as someone slowly beats their head on the desk. Bifurcate In The Road is out in the cold of cyber space without a cybersuit.
I think you had better get a pillow for your desk (to minimize the bruising and pain) and just do what you have to do. It can’t be as bad as Google interfacing Blogger, Facebook, and God only knows what else. I know my anonymity has been shot — but, really, who gives a rat’s, well you know. Stick with it; I know you’ll succeed in the end. You’re too smart (even with a hole ridden brain) to let them win. Besides, we’d miss you if you were gone. Again. and look who’s talking?
How are you managing to stay cool in this blistering Summer heat?
Well the database seems unscrambled and what is lost is lost. Anonymity ha! What is that? All it takes is one little connection – using the same avatar on two sites such as google and facebook for example. I have spent hours on the phone with my host service and internet provider concerning another issue that “may” have led to the problem. Each service blames the other :).
The weather has been hot but it has been cooling off in the nights. We have had more upper 80’s to upper 90’s days this summer. Of course the power outages only happen on the triple digit days. I stay inside and don’t venture out unless I absolutely have to.