Video Game Surprise

I play games, a lot sometimes. Because I stay indoors during the summer months I read, watch television and play video games. The X box and play station variety. I like open world (games designed where the player can move through a virtual world and decide when or how to complete an objective), first person shooters (played from the first person perspective and well pretty much usually shooting the enemy), games with some historical theme (Assassins Creed Series for example), well, I just like games.
I just finished a bloody FPS (first person shooter) called Wolfenstein the New World Order. Sometimes games will surprise. This game actually had a storyline. Set in WW2 albeit an alternate futuristic version. The war is over Germany won it is 1960. The main character you play as falls in love and through the years, the story develops. None of this is relevant other than to explain why after shooting robots, the enemy soldiers, the main enemy, etc. etc. the ending is rather a surprise. The unexpected, is not that you finished the game or that you have no clear idea if your character is going to live another day in a sequel or if they died in the story it is what plays at the games conclusion during the end credits.
Just after all the game carnage, you finally won the final battle, the end credits and song are unexpectedly sentimental and in total contrast to the game play.
The end: game credits and song.
The end song a cover by Melissa Hollick. The song “I Believe” – is originally by Chris Isaak.
Here is the link to the launch trailer of Wolfenstein The New Order. i have taken the http and put it into brakets so that those of you who do not like guns, explosions, bad language etc. don’t have to see it.
just remove the red if you care or dare