
Hope for the transformation of this world not a hope for escape from it.

 Hope that all forms of evil are totally eradicated not a hope that one side will win..

 Hope of new creation in heaven and on earth.

 Hope that peace, love, joy, and justice reign on earth.

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Flickr Photo Sharing

Golden State of Mind

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Yes Spring might just be here! The Poppies are blooming! Between my macro lens, the speedlights, and the State Flower – I have gone poppy crazy! Yes, it started so innocently just a few amongst the Lupine off the side of the road.

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Looking almost like a page from a Fairytale. But, it was late in the day and they were all closed up preparing for the night. This leaves only one alternative – to go again earlier in the day. So, now I have a hard drive full of poppy shots. Too many! LOL I think I will move onto gummy bears . ..