Oh yeah I so have nothing better to do LOL.
This really is a photo of my reflection on the little roller ball in the mouse thingy. I know not much excitement around here if I am doing this no?
I get so freaking irritated when I try to take photos now. Ekk gads I have always used my left eye in the view finder and since it is sort of out to lunch as of late I have been trying to use my right eye. Now this at first might sound no big deal bt for whatever reason it is. Maybe it is like the mouse upside down thing I dunno . …
So right eyed, full manual settings (except white balance) and here you have it – reflection of kmilyun in dah rollerball.
I keep humming that song . … reflections of the way things used to be . …
Little of This and That Moments
I have some catching up to do oh yeah I do. Let’s see, we attended a baby shower party, celebrated Billy’s Birthday, went to Red Hawk Casino to celebrate Michele’s Birthday, and attended the Mother Teresa Stamp Unveiling Ceremony. Somewhere in there I went to PE and my swimming classes.
I figured out prior to taking the swim class that I can’t turn my dang head to breath while swimming. Now that kind of put a damper on the deal – turn head get electrical shock down to my toes and water up my nose . I so did not wish to be doomed to staying in the shallow end and spending the whole class doing aerobic water exercises. I thought about it and asked if I could use a snorkel and the instructor said she did not see a problem with it. So I look so dorky with the goggles, snorkel, and nose plug – augh! Seriously -DORK! I stared out without the nose plug thingy but started using one after I forgot not to breath with my nose while snorkeling away – gag – cough – choke . … After three classes I managed in poor form to make 6 laps!
Being in the pool is super. I can work on my balance and if I fall I just go splash. The weightless feeling makes me almost feel normal.
So here are a couple of videos covering some of the mentioned moments in my life this past few weeks:
Eye on The Cucumber

I am setting up trading some lemon cucumbers for some more squash. I have way to many to eat them all so might as well find some peeps to trade with. This year they have gone crazy. Lot’s of blossoms. I love em but do not wish to let any go to waste. My favorite way to eat them is to spread a bit of mayonnaise on them. All right I admit a lot of mayonnaise on them LOL.
I have been mulling around different ways to find room to plant some winter plants. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels-spouts , maybe radishes later on. Dunno but one thing I am aware of is my dinky little yard takes a lot of planning to grow veggies where they get the proper light. Oh and having some available dirt might help too.
The cheap ideas for containers I have been coming up with say trashy without any artistic flare. I found some really great (and proven) planter plans. Large enough to get some dirt going yet high enough that I would not have to bend over to water and pick the results. Well I asked my dad ( feel me here Zoom) if I bought the supplies if he could build it for me. Well, first off he decided on some improvements so it would be structurally more sound. Then he researched the cost per linear foot of the best wood to make it out of. Then he announced that it was cheaper to purchase some of those wine barrel type planters and decided that is what I should do. So, no spiffy planter and the realization that he so did not get the off the ground accessible to me thing, along with it wound have had wheels so I could move it about as needed. Oh wells . …
I could build another brick one if I spent a few evenings but then it would be too low and not movable. The wine barrel planters would work but the dang wheels for them well nuff said about that idea.
How about a bunch of those gray bricks ( the ones we made dorm room books shelves with) and running boards through the holes and then along the top? Five gallon buckets on a dolly deal? Ok – ideas are getting wacky so I will quit for now.
I took the cucumber blossom pic with my 90mm macro lens. I am getting better at focusing with my right eye. Sounds simple but switching eyes is a pain in the . … somehow my right eye does not connect to whatever goes on in my brain that lets me shoot what I am visualizing. But I did drag the gear out and I did try. The focus is not sharp but way better than my last trys. I am thinking my left eye is not gonna come back this time so I guess I gotta deal. I definitely have enough yellow blossoms to practice on! Maybe I can catch a bee doing what bees do on blossoms emmm …