Shady Drone
Not much exciting going on around here. PE class was spent getting body parts measured and completing different test to establish base lines.
I have been trying to play Shady Grove on my Blue Mountain dulcimer. It has a different sound than the walnut guy. Although it is hard to hear the difference using the old cheap microphone I have.
The history of the mountain dulcimer is rather interesting to me. The traditional style of playing with a noter and melody/drone style is making a come back it seems.
Maybe some day I will own a traditional dulcimer – my definition: without the extra frets (6 1/2) a true diatonic fretting rather than a more chromatic one is hard to find now days and do not come cheap. Maybe some day I will find one hanging around at a yard sale.
Another reason I like the traditional drone style – it is something I can do -well ok Webster: I am practicing LOL. Since I can no-longer get my fingers to cooperate on the fret board of my guitar I thought this might be the way to go. I can form the cords and finger pick on the dulcimer but only on a good day and I refuse to spend my time practicing something that more than likely I won’t be able to do soon.
Dang if I have not found out that strumming and notering is a whole lot harder than it looks! The way the dulcimer is held presents a whole new learning curve also.
So my latest attempt at mountain dulcimer playing: Shady Grove an old folk song here in America that seems to have it’s root’s in the 18th century and sounds a lot like an old 1th century ballad Matty Groves an old English ballad.