Health Care Boogeyman?
There are so many video’s about Canadian Health care out there! Proving to me that depending on what side of the debate here in the U.S. a person is on they can and will find numerous ways to support their opinion.
Here is one that shows the Canadian system in a bad way. The video below was by Steven Crowder a comedian and political commentator.
The Canadian system is show in a positive light in this video posted on US Health Crisis blog by Karoli.
Geezz, our country, The United States of America, is NOT, I repeat NOT Canada. So why are people using it on either side of the health care debate to support their ideas? Even President Obama at the joint press conference in Guadalajara with the Canadian Prime Minister said:
“I suspect that you Canadians will continue to get dragged in by those who oppose reform, even though I’ve said nothing about Canadian health care reform. I don’t find Canadians particularly scary, but I guess some of the opponents of reform think that they make a good boogeyman. I think that’s a mistake.”
Here is a link to the video of the conference comments if you want to check it out for yourself. Obama’s comments on health care start at 36:04 on the time line and the quote above is at 39:07.
Wouldn’t this whole debate/discussion be a lot easier if the politicians would decide which one of the 5(?) different plans they were going to run with, figure out how the plan would be paid for and actually explain it to us? All the back and forth and double talk is very defeating. Instead of out of control and over reaction from the U.S. citizens at town halls etc. we could actually discuss the facts not all the fear driven or party line conjecture.