New Prop. 8 T.V. Ad

This morning the California Supreme Court upheld last November’s vote to sanction discrimination against committed same-sex couples here in California. In response to this morning’s ruling you may see this commercial being aired on your TV in the coming weeks — here is a chance to see it before it airs to the general public.
Please take the 59 seconds of your time to watch this commercial, no matter what your sexual-orientation or feelings on this specific issue, because it contains a very real message that may someday directly effect YOU or someone who matters to you. If it strikes a chord — please feel free to pass it along…
Join more than 700,000 Courage Campaign members ready to restore marriage equality to California. Help us reach 1 Million for Marriage Equality by adding your name now and pledge to repeal Prop 8 and restore marriage equality to California.!
Courage Campaign