Social Confusion ROCKS!
Social networking sites are great to catch-up with friends, share photographs, music and links but it seems to be a great time suck. I do not even blog everyday anymore so why am I joining all these sites?
First out of the gate that leads to confusion is setting up each one. Sounds easy and it should be. After all I am not a complete dummy although sometimes I wonder. I sometimes think that I wake up each day with way less brain power than the day before.
How many networks can one person join? How many different identities can I manage before I mess up and cross the line between my real life and my Internet one? What I mean is, I have places where I converse with people I know in person and site where I hold back some info. I really do not want certain people goggling my name and ending up here – like my parents for example. It is not that I spend a lot of effort trying to hide my identity but . …
Then there is the problem of making sure that the setting in each social network site are set up so I do not end up having double of triple updates. Augh – my pea brain is smoking on that one – smell the smoke?
I shudder to think how crazy all this would get if I tried to join every network that others use. So for right now I am keeping it with Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, and my blog here. I do use blip to listen to the tunes and library thing where I am trying to make a list of all my books.
The distinction between blogging and social networking is going to be hard to maintain in future I think. With blog posts forwarded to different social sites and comments from social site showing up on blogs – yikes! Technology is designed to condense things. Many articles I have read and personal friends relay of dislike of the internet connection to share believing that it is the ruin of interpersonal communication.
It is important to stay connected to people on a person level rather than just through technology. Human contact is wonderful! I just do not find myself getting out as much. Social isolation is not a good thing eh? Acquaintances have start to shy away when they do not understand why I am not up for outings at a drop of the hat anymore. There are days fatigue stops me cold. Then there are other things too (uh huh the mother nature calls). Who wants to hang out with someone whose main goal while site seeing is the location of all the restrooms. On hot days I flounder. Some days formulating coherent conversation is near impossible for me.
Multiple sclerosis has left me in the dirt socially. Oh wells, that is where blogs and social sites ROCK for me.