Cairo Model Update Progress Not Perfection

I have some of the rigging done. Need to touch up the painting and redo some crooked stuff LOL Some items not to scale but . .. well it is my first wood model and the instructions were, umm, lacked any detail.


Fun with Google

Most of you already know this but – google the word failure – read the top response – told ya – you already knew the answer.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Letter to President Bush

Breaking a twenty seven year diplomatic freeze between Iran and the United States the President of Iran wrote an 18 page letter to the US president, proposing “a way forward” and ideas “to move beyond” the current stalemate over the future of Iran’s nuclear energy program.

The letter was passed from the Iranian foreign minister to Sweden’s ambassador to Tehran, who then delivered it to US officials.

Within hours of news of the letter becoming public, Secretary of State, Condaleeza Rice said the letter “changes nothing”

“The question here is “what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign produced for it’s citizens?”

As your Execellency is aware, in some states of your country, people are living in poverty. Many thousands are homeless and unemployment is a huge problem.”

– excerpt from the letter

He questions how Bush’s Christian beliefs reconcile with having other countries attacked and thousands of lives taken- here is the link to the letter at CNN

Big Brother Bush Needs the USDA to Spread the Word

The Bush administration must be disparate to promote it’s failing policies in Iraq. Now they want folks at the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to peddle their glossy positive spin. Reported in the Washington Post .

Received email instructions requiring them to repeat administrations propaganda on Iraq in every speech they give on behalf of the USDA reeks “Big Brother” .

Now, how many little sheep will follow and repeat, “President Bush has a clear strategy for victory in Iraq”. ..

american frog in frying pan picture