First Blog Spamoid was From

I will not give the sites name because that would increase there google power. The first spam this site recieved was from an organization that promotes hate. I am glad they are using their freedom of speech via print but the links they sent were purely anti something pro something if you can get the drift. Anyway at least I got something LOL

I was hoping that my online friends would post here or at least suggest a topic they would like to discuss. O well. Figuring out the world of blogging is kind of fun.

I spent most of today watching the news, playing with my dogs, and reading about WordPress and PHP. It was foggy this morning and I never really became motivated enough to venture outside.

Ate the chicken soup I made yesterday and now I am ready to eat again, get a book, and fall asleep. Catfish is in playing with his stuffed toy “duck” and Annie is downstairs ever hopeful that someone will throw her ball.