Homeland Security Officers Crash Public Library

How would you feel if you were surfing the internet at your local public library and two uniformed Homeland Security officers walked in and annouced that in the interests of national security to everyone that they were not allowed to visit porn sites?The pair of Homeland Security officers did just that at the Little Falls branch of the Montgomery County Public Library in Bethesda. The went around and looked at what each person was looking at on their PC. The confronted on man about a site he was visiting and told him to step outside. . A librarian approached them and told them to be quiet. The police were called and the men were asked to leave.

Homeland Security has distanced itself from the pair’s action. It has confirmed that the two worked for their local county office but said they were operating way outside their authority.

homeland library warning sign

Remember Big Brother is Watching You.

More Here Buffalo News

It Can’t Happen Here

On the lines of Orwellian thinking:

The President uses evangelists and makes promises to gain a dictator like power. America is pushed into a contrived war and liberties are restricted Pushed by corporate interests and under the guise of National Emergency the behind the scenes political agenda called “the brain coordinates it all.

Recognize the scenario? It is nothing original.

The book was authored by Sinclair Lewis in 1935 Title: It Can’t Happen Here

Atavistic or Enlightened

It is our duty as American citizens to separate the truth from fiction. And it is not an easy undertaking anymore. Sometimes I have to sit back and get back to the basic questions of what I believe in. Defining moral opinions is no easy task. Pre 9/11 it was easier for me, perhaps I was being simplistic, but I could list a few items with some self assured concept of being correct. Now I cannot.

I never spent a lot of time contemplating or comparing my religious beliefs with others. I felt that my moral ideals served me well and that it was not necessary or expected that I explain myself. Now I find myself looking at all religion as a prelude to violence. I never questioned my belief in my country. A strong country, a country with possibilities of equality, a country where I did not wake up with knowing that someone, from somewhere else might blow me up just cause. Timothy McVeigh made us aware of our vulnerability from home grown discontents but 9/11 – that was another thing. I did not follow just because a political idea was popular, I never voted straight party line, I voted on each issue on it’s merits.

The truth is:

  • I will never forget the sight of the Trade Center collapse, or the anger I felt towards those who perpetrated the act and you know what I still hate them. I will point out that they are dead.
  • that I do believe that sometimes war is a necessary although malevolent act.
  • I am an American and I am willing to die for my country.
  • I no longer trust my government to protect my civil liberties – at least not this administration.
  • I do not know who the enemy is.
  • I support our troops not necessarily the mission, but why they are there, they are willing to die for their country to uphold our beliefs, rights and freedoms.

This leaves me a left of center flag waving confused citizen. It would be easy and safe to take a atavistic view point over an enlightened one. Now if I could figure out what I think about what is on the news . . ..

Another Puzzle Completed

Another puzzle is completed. This one was more challenging than the last one. The next puzzle has been started. This puzzle managed to get completed without Annie snitching and eating any pieces.
dog puzzle