This and That

Well the Vic President has come on gone from our city. A police officer was run over and still managed to protect and serve. Our local dog park committee meeting was crazy as usual but it looks like the upcoming WOOF Walk plans are coming together. The news crews no longer are filming the house that was torched for the third time around the corner. The idiots that have been doing donuts inside our complex coming very close to hitting our vehicles seem to be quite tonight.

I am too lazy to write something thought provoking or at least worldly. I am working on my Britannia model and have compiled a very long list of what NOT to do on the next model. I find my missing hand control and fine motor skills very annoying. Not as annoying as all the political ads that are being played over and over and over and over …

Is there some requirement that says we have to stick to one topic? I hope not, because if that’s the case I’m in trouble. I still say that the best blogging is what we do for ourselves, and hopefully there are others out there who think it’s worth reading.

Drumsbwhistles – odd time signatures

I could not have said it better LOL – lately I really have not felt like sticking to any one subject. It is funny how a blog can mimic life. I have not been very focused on anything in particular lately. Kind of bouncing from here to there. Just as I decided to get into summer mode the rain came back. Now there is the problem – I decided – ha – like a am the pilot?

Well back to my model for now. That is it unless something waps me in the head I and I just have to write about it.