Blogme Confussion

So Drumsnwhistles tags me in her post about Blogher. After reading and re-reading her post I decided that I was confused. She was kind enough to send some help – not that I really “get it” but I will give this a try.

When did you start blogging and why?

I started this blog because a friend of mine wanted to know how to set up a blog. My friend never stuck with it but I decided to stick with it.

How do you use blogging to build friendships?

Apparently not very well since I only communicate via blogging with a couple of people. The only person I could tag would be Drums and she tagged me.

What is your favorite thing that you wrote? What got a strong reaction from readers?

The post I did on the Patriot Act and the Secret Service and the creation of a Federal Police force. I heard a rumor of the formation of a Federal Police force that was bieng compared to the SS of Germany on some website and set about to verify any facts available. What I found did surprise me. The post did recieve the most hits and a few great comments that have been lost in the land of bits n bytes.

The post that recieves the most hits still today is one that I posted a stupid YouTube video on. I bet now that I have mentioned YouTube twice in this post it will recieve many hits from google searches for YouTube. I am shameless.

Are you and your blogging persona the same person?

Very close with some ommissions.

If you had a super power, what would it be?

The ability to morph myself into anything. The possibilties for learning by walking in anothers shoes will be endless. Becoming a small pebble on the beach or a seagull in flight, a hundred year old pine tree, . ..

Now the hard part – to find someone to tag? Umm I choose Froggi Donna from the Lily Pad.

Although I suspect she will be wondering why? Because she is a courageous strong woman and her motorcycle tour to cover 48 states is documented here.