Gravatar PlugIn, Color, and Site Updates

wp-content/gravatars/kmilyun2_gravatar.pngI have not been keeping up with posting something each day. Live right now life has taken precidence. I have been playing around with different colors on the blog today and have activated gravatars. Now should I use a cartoon or someother representation or – gasp – a pic of the real me? I suppose this will all be moot if the plug in doesn’t work.

Since sights, smells, and sounds can trigger a memory, I will in the spirit of utilizing the blogoshere as a form of human intereaction – I will use the real me.

The background image I am using right now is from a photo I took at the de Young last fall. I believe the earthenware is dated ~300 BC – 300 AD and from the West Mexico area. I am trying to come up with a color scheme that matches the background without being dull. I seek vibrance!

I am playing around with K2 still on my play around blog. The Binary-Blue theme I started using here on this blog is loaded with built in support for lots of goodies.