Blogging Reconsidered

Today is just one of those days. I set here looking at this blog and wonder why I still do it? I started blogging to figure out how to implement it to help a friend. This friend (and another) only kept up their blogs for a month or so. Now here I sit wondering why I am still doing this.

I have conversed with some interesting people. I few via email. There are a couple of bloggers that I think I know – cyber wise that is. Obviously, cyber friendships are not the same as in person ones. They also have some interesting twists. I mean how do you really know who the person on the other side of a keyboard is. Most of us do not use our real names for numerous reasons. Blogging should be fun in my opinion. I like playing with bits and bytes and trying to learn different things. I also like to go fishing, ride motorcycles, taking hikes with my dogs and building models.

The anonyimity of blogging has left the farm. Oh gasp! I believe some members of my family have located my blog! Major malfunction due to oversite on my part. Who wuhd  o thunk . .. So now for my own reason I am presented with new options. To change my domain name and move my stuff there, to remove all references in this blog that I do not want them to read/see, keep this domain and get another one and put the blog there, or just bite the bullet and muddle on with the consequences. Decision time.

So, to my regular readers: if this goes away I have your emails and you have mine.