DSL Woe’s

So, they called me an hour ago using an automated voice to tell me my DSL is fixed. Duh and cool. After I listen to the message and do not write the number down to call if it is NOT working I hang up. I look down at my computer and it stopped loading the page. Hit reload – and you know what? NO DSL connection. Less than one min. after the machine called to tell me it was working – which it was at that moment in time.

Here we go again. say the number repeat I did not get that tranfer to India(?) one lady who just could not grasp that I wanted the number for the service center that had just called and I was NOT going to restart my computers, unplug the wireless, switch all the cables, and restart it all again – again!

I finally hung up on her stupid hinny. Called again, say the number repeat I did not get that repeat I did not get that  next guy: broken english but a brain – transfered me to local center I yeah surprise – a fellow Californian who checked and said hey you have no connection it is us – well like duh again 🙂 very nice lady – another repair ticket – another wait and see call me back in the morning if does not come back on. I tell ya cable is looking better and better . ..

So I am here again via the ole dialup modem method. I should have bought the book today.