Fixed Rss2 Feed

WooHoo. since the upgrade to WordPress 2.01 the feeds have not worked. Finally one works now. All I can say is white space, white space, and maybe white space. Now if I could figure out what I did right to fix the rss2, maybe I could fix the rss .92 .

I will date myself here, I liked using dos and dbase. Modern tech stuff seems to have passed me by. Remember the old BB’s, when modems where slow, and most people had never heard of the internet?


Questioning the Validity of Information #2

Another Post I have recovered from my corrupt backup database files. Woo Hoo Outdated now but what the heck I wrote it.

Conducting a search for information relating to the cartoon situation brings up sites that refer to this statment attributed to Kurtis Cooper at the State Department.

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Washington on Friday condemned caricatures in European newspapers of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad, siding with Muslims who are outraged that the publications put press freedom over respect for religion.

“These cartoons are indeed offensive to the belief of Muslims,” State Department spokesman Kurtis Cooper said in answer to a question. “We all fully recognize and respect freedom of the press and expression but it must be coupled with press responsibility. Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds in this manner is not acceptable.”

I have searched all over and can not find any reference to this statement. It is not in the Daily Briefing and if it is I sure can not find it. Perhaps I missed it?

Meanwhile, the list of worldwide news sites that are covering the reaction to this story is buiding. Editorials and blogs are debating the issue. America v Europe. Europe v Muslims. But, I still can not confirm that anyone at our State Department made any statement close to this. Time will tell.

Now, once again, I am left wondering whom to believe. Is the rest of the world misquoting , creating propaganda, or misinformed? If they are misinformed, who or what, is responisble for the initial distribution of the bad information. If the information is correct, why can I not find documentation to something a State Department Spokesperson has said as easy as I can locate what someone across the globe has written.

I will keep looking.

All’s Not Well In Denmark

Here we go. If we got this upset over domestic spying issues . . . it seems cartoons are drawing attention to the issue of censorship.

Syrians set fire to the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Damascus in protest at the publication of newspaper cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Denamark and Norway have condemned Syria for not stopping the attacks on their embassies over the publication of the cartoons.

“Across the continent, nearly two dozen other newspapers have joined in defending that principle. While Islamist clerics proclaim an ”international day of anger” or declare that ”the war has begun,” leading publications in Norway, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have reprinted the Danish cartoons. But there has been no comparable show of backbone in America, where (as of Friday) only the New York Sun has had the fortitude to the run some of the drawings.

Make no mistake: This story is not going away, and neither is the Islamofascist threat. The freedom of speech we take for granted is under attack, and it will vanish if it is not bravely defended. Today the censors may be coming for some unfunny Mohammed cartoons, but tomorrow it is your words and ideas they will silence. Like it or not, we are all Danes now.”

Complete Article: Boston Globe

EDIT INSERT: I must admit that this is gettting way out of hand. The 12 cartoons with caricatures of the prophet Mohammad (considered blasphemous by Muslims) were originally published by The Jyllands-Posten daily, one of Denmark’s largest newspapers, on Sept. 30, 2005.. Why now?