The Katrina Voodoo Doll Lady

In keeping with my promise to not forget the victims of Katrina.

My friends Shelley and Prasad took us to New Orleans on our visit last year. Shelley was waiting in their van when a nice lady rolled up and they started chatting it up. Shelley purchased the voodoo doll that was guaranteed to have good Juju (not sure of proper spelling here) that she gave to me.

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She told Shelley her Katrina story – everyone who lives there has one – she talked about when it came, where she took shelter, and how glad she was that her city streets had people on them again. I came in on the end of the conversation. The one thing that I have not forgotten was the lady (I forgot her name) was still without teeth. She laughed and joked about how Katrina took her teeth. She was also up front and honest about selling the doll so she could go get a bottle.

Here’s to one of the nicest ladies I met along the streets of New Orleans:

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Like everyone we met she had her story, she had a scense of humor, and she was upbeat.