A Trip to The Store

You think that a short walk to the store would be easy. Not! First my awareness of the “un-safe environment” where I habitat is reinforced by the bars that surround our complex and the lock on the pedestrian gate. The gate slams loudly after I walk through it. I noise that I am all too familiar with because my townhouse is situated such that every single time anyone exits it I hear it’s loud and annoying slam. Yes, every drug dealer, every mother taking her children to the bus stop, every kid, every single person that walks out the complex treats us to its pronouncement – clang!

Moving down the sidewalk inevitably somebody will take the corner to fast treating me to the screech of tires trying to hold the road. Sometimes they can not and the vehicle crashes through the fence. Most of them take off running – with or without their vehicle.

Moving along I notice a group of young gang clad youths. I take care not to look up as I pass keeping my eyes down toward the sidewalk. Later I glance up to see if any new tagging has been placed in the usual spots.


When I make it to the store I notice another group of people that do not bestow an air of confidence or trustworthiness. Judgmental I know, but, it is a survival instinct that can not be ignored. Just think, how long this trip might be if I lived in a really bad neighborhood where there are more shootings, robberies, and murders listed on the Sac. Police crime map.

I become self conscience because I have my camera – I would show you some new photos but- I wanted to keep my camera for my next trip – by car.

I head home to get my truck and maybe – make it into a store.

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