We are driving out of Sacramento on Hwy70/99 and were before the split onto 99. My passenger hollers out – look!- look! Off to right side of the highway is a group of migrating geese stretching as far as my eye could see! Screach go the tires, ping, ping goes the road gravel. We are off on the side of the roadway.
I got my camera out and took over 200 photos – way to many to post on the photosharing site. Excitement! Woo Hoo! So many of the beautiful birds. Flying in layers, landing, moving about in groups – just awe inspiring.
I wish I had my buddy’s wide angle lense, I wish I had a stronger zoom, but – wow just wow – it the size of the group that brings on the wow factor.
Here is the far right side of the group with the downtown Sacramento skyline as a foreground.
I few of them in flight. Not the best shots, no prize winner here – but – WOW!
Wow…and to think I got excited over 10 ducks at the base duck pond…
These are just awesome! What a sight it must’ve been in person!
LOL Thumper! You have a nice shot of the Canadian Geese on flickr – I know ducks is ducks LOL I am starting to learn the differences ๐
Karoli – your whales are still tops in my book!!