Yeap, I just could not choke down anymore of the creosote-laced smoke without seeing it up close and personal. Stupid maybe, but, heck last night the dark cloud of smoke hovered around spreading it’s stinky gloom.
This morning I woke up with wet eyes. When I went outside there were little bits of ash falling from the sky and the stunk like burning junk thrown into the campfire. So off I went to see what I could see.
The buzz talk was all about how it just went up all at once. No central starting point just poof instant ignition across the whole length of the fire area. It has according to some news reports become somewhat obvious that someone set this fire intentionally. If so, what do they gain? They created an inconvenience to the rail transportation system or made a statement of some sorts that no one gets. Or, did they start it just to watch a hundred year old bridge burn? It will be interesting when the final word comes out – if they ever figure it out at all.
I only stayed for awhile as the wind changed and the smoke started heading toward me. I have had enough of this smoke ok! All around downtown and in the Elk Grove area people are choking, wheezing, and getting headaches from this toxic junk looming over our heads.
Well long and short of it all: if I get sick I guess it is my fault going there when I already felt some of the listed symptoms – but what the heck. … One good side effect is we sure are having some beautiful toxic sunsets around here!
It’s always so ironic to me that such awful destruction can generate such amazing sunsets/sunrises…
I was really sad to hear about this — we crossed this bridge on the train up to Portland in November — those bridges are amazing up there.
If it was arson I hope they catch the culprit and throw away the key.