Error 500, WordPress, Plugins

I finally got control of my blog sort of last night by trying the 2.1.1 upgrade. Then the news is delivered that it was hacked LOL. Upgraded to 2.1.2 and wah la – for about an hour! Error 500 again and again! It is hard to fix a problem when you can not access the dashboard.

I due to the problems since Monday had already set up some log files on my host server. They do not let you access much but I did manage to figure out how to log script errors saved. Woo hoo! A plug in was throwing errors like crazy! The Autometa plugin. So, disabled it and arrived without a 500 error page.

If you can not access your 2.1.2 WordPress site and are using this plug in you might try waiting for your open connections to close, log in while you can and disable it! Hopefully this is a final solution to this blogs problems.

More later.

Blog Friends Are a Good Thing

Yes,  a good thing indeed. Drumsnwhistles over at odd times signatures took the time to email me and let me know about the security update for wordpress. In case you missed it like I did go to wordpress, do not pass go, do collect the 2.1.2 update. Otherwise – well you just might be in deep doo doo. The 2.1 update was hacked!

I am glad I have good friends in cyber space ! Thank you Drums! I was not going to even look at my blog tonight and would not have discovered any troubles until at least Monday.

Spam to Porch

Or, why do some poor misguided souls find it necessary to spread spam. Not the usual spam in the can for Viagra etc but the mean spirited and often nasty pornographic kind.

The Spam rate on Flickr has gone up! I suspect much of it is done by disgruntled Old School members that are still ranting and raving about Yahoo’s take over. Maybe it is a movement by other services to annoy users so they will change to their service – I dunno. I am ever so leaning toward the Yahoo is not great department chambers because of their canned answers and not so great support – but come on – things change. I dislike change. I want everything to stay nice and comfortable. Many of my contacts are not posting any new photos but, neither am I. Maybe we are all just busy, busy with other things but maybe not. I have taken some pictures and not uploaded them. Somehow the fun level has depreciated.

Blogging was a fun thing till it became important. Important that the blog was online, important. – sucked into the cyber ego vortex. I wonder why does it matter to me? It is not like lots of people read it. Why do I care if I can send my typed out works into cyberspace. I can just save everything I type in Word onto my hard drive. If I really want someone in particular to read it I could email that person.

Maybe it an ego building issue.

Maybe it goes back to the rat experiments and the forced socializing issue.

Maybe it is a substitute for the front porches we used to sit and chat on.

I may be onto something. The demise of the front porch has led to the necessity of reaching out for socialization between like minded folks. As the blogoshere becomes more and more crowded the battle for individual and social turf becomes more aggressive. Just like the rats bloggers are being separated, divisions are forming, and the more aggressive internet users of are preying upon the weaker with their spam – soon we will not tend for our young – oh gasp – it may be happening. The blog readers and poster all gathering around the favorite A listed blogs. Just like the rats gradually abandoning their food hoppers to crowd up at their favorite hopper.

Maybe it does not matter.

Closer to the Wumpus

Yes I smell a Wumpus . …

Gremlins beware.

UPDATE: We are getting closer to the Wumpus. Turn east wordpress is not closing database connections, turn north -Geocities will not let you see your htaccess file, turn south Yahoo has a problem with an extra line added to htaccess files, turning west – we will upgrade wordpress from 2.1 to 2.1.1 if this does not work —- geocities will loose an account – I know like they care!

UPDATE2: We have now updated WordPress from 2.1 to 2.1.1 and deleted everything from our host server and put it all back up there again.