I have taken notice that many of the blogs on my reader are no longer posting on a regular basis. I wonder if their reasons are the same. They are all blogs that contained everyday content, no ads, no fancy bling decorating them, just everyday folks sharing their views, lives, and photos out in cyberspace.
Maybe they got tired of all the hoops required to keep up. Security updates, spam, more spam, what to do what to do. Or, perhaps they wrote something and received some comments in que that reminded them of past blog world events. Me I just came to a conclusion that if I had something in live not memorex life my time was better spent there. Besides, as it becomes more and more obvious that there is no such thing as anonymity in blogging the thought of abandoning one blog and starting another is a bummer – so why bother?
The addition of a new laptop allows me to remain downstairs on the comfortable couch surfing the net for information on boats, photography, and tires for my truck. It is amazing how many hours I have spent reading up on aquatic mussel invasions and white balance settings.
The replacement of all the household cellphones is providing hours of entertainment as we all stumble with all the new features and buttons. I still think a phone should be a phone, a camera a camera, and computers surf the net while phone should be talked on . … but my phone takes pictures and gets my email – LOL. I feel like Spock driving around with the bluetooth ear thing on. And, yes I still own records and know how to dial a phone with an actual dial on it.
We rearranged the living room to get the couch off the wall where our neighboors bang and boom the music all day and night. The pictures and soda cans still rattle about from the bass though. I have not hooked up the sound system because who needs surround sound when you can not hear the tele anyways over their noise.
Here is my favorite picture of the month:
I think there are lots of reasons for blogs going dark — like you, maybe other interests have taken precedence over putting things down on a blog. There are times where I just don’t have anything to say or am too tired to say it. Still, I really like writing a blog and that’s the foundation for continuing isn’t it?
But even if you don’t want to write, keep posting your photos, because I love seeing them! I used to subscribe to my contacts’ photos via RSS, but I got overwhelmed with it now, so the only way I’m sure to see masterpieces like this is if you post them on your blog. 🙂
I know a lot of people have stopped blogging because they surprised themselves by realizing they’d run out of things to talk about. Some get frustrated by lack of comments… Personally, I’m too much of an attention whore to stop.
well I have never been know for not having something to say LOL I think I have just been saying it to those standing right in front of me rather than via the net.