More Gremlins and 500 Errors

I am about to give up! I upgraded WP. I checked my database. I disabled my theme. Blah blah blah . … now we are back to the 500 errors again! Gee wiz.

Back to the theme again. Logs show throwing errors from the call to the header php? I so give up.

If you get here great – it you don’t then I guess I can talk to myself a bit.

The errors change and I am still thinking that there are too many open ports. They do reset but it seems whatever/whoever is opening them all times it just about right to catch me when I tend to post. If I check in at unusual times no problems. Ummm …

Accepting ideas – solutions – ok you win! – whatever ZZZZZzzzzzzz

Weekend With Water

North we drove up I5 to Anderson. Yak, yak, yak with friends and burn a couple steaks on the grill. No really, our friend is an excellent grill master but we all got carried away with making flames with the BBQ and taking pictures and the coals got to hot and the steaks were – well a tad black on the outside. You think that grown adults would know better. Squirting lighter fluid on hot coals is not a smart thing to do. I think we were trying to pretend we were still young. It worked.

Drove up to Burney Falls and took some pictures. The walkway down was icey and snapped us right out of our we are young again mode and into a total awareness of everything gone wrong with our bodies. I offered to take a photo for a young couple and their son so they could all be in one shot. Next thing you know I was the vista point unofficial photographer. Setting up and snapping shots for couples with the falls as the backdrop. I think this is why nobody laughed at us as we made our way down the trail towards the bottom of the falls.

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It was beautiful. The falls are not the biggest I have ever seen, they are not the fastest, but wow what a view. The spring water just kind of spouts out from the rocks along the side of the main falls. Lots of mist! Just fantastic!

On the way back to Anderson we noticed some old mine structures near Ingot. An internet search reveals that it was the old Afterthought Mine. In the 90’s sometime they discovered some dynamite in the abondoned site andsubsequently set it off. I could see an old roadway leading into the water making it easy to picture the place long ago active and productive.


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Monday we were off to fish on Lake Shasta. This is where the timing is everything comes in. I know better than to fish this lake at full moon or a few days after. Emm .. well the bad news is in our boat contained only two fish to represent our afternoon of fishing. The good news was one of them was mine. Not a big un but hey – a bass is a bass as long as it is legal!


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The lake was like glass most of the day. Refecting everthing. One bald eagle flew over the boat and then across the bow. Wow it was awesome! Its lower body was reflected on the water – an breath stopping nature beauty moment. I wish I had the camera out but in other ways I am glad I just enjoyed it’s fly by without

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Error 500, WordPress, Plugins

I finally got control of my blog sort of last night by trying the 2.1.1 upgrade. Then the news is delivered that it was hacked LOL. Upgraded to 2.1.2 and wah la – for about an hour! Error 500 again and again! It is hard to fix a problem when you can not access the dashboard.

I due to the problems since Monday had already set up some log files on my host server. They do not let you access much but I did manage to figure out how to log script errors saved. Woo hoo! A plug in was throwing errors like crazy! The Autometa plugin. So, disabled it and arrived without a 500 error page.

If you can not access your 2.1.2 WordPress site and are using this plug in you might try waiting for your open connections to close, log in while you can and disable it! Hopefully this is a final solution to this blogs problems.

More later.

Blog Friends Are a Good Thing

Yes,  a good thing indeed. Drumsnwhistles over at odd times signatures took the time to email me and let me know about the security update for wordpress. In case you missed it like I did go to wordpress, do not pass go, do collect the 2.1.2 update. Otherwise – well you just might be in deep doo doo. The 2.1 update was hacked!

I am glad I have good friends in cyber space ! Thank you Drums! I was not going to even look at my blog tonight and would not have discovered any troubles until at least Monday.