Our Group

I have not been getting out and taking any photos lately. I get so dang tired or end up triping over my feet it seems lately. But, this weekend I am going to shoot our friends God sons baptism. I dislike the weddings and gatherings like this when I am asked to photograph them. For one, I am not very good at taking people pics, and two it makes me nervous that I might not get some good shots of such important events for my friends.

On the other hand, in these hard economic times a group of us have formed a tight group with a looser knit peripheral group. We are a very diverse group in all areas. We are European decent, African American, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Hispanic, and bi racial. We are heterosexual, homosexual, married, divorced, single, and twenty something up to late sixties.  What we have in common is a strong desire to insure that the children have a childhood. That we as adults have a social support system and that we have some fun in the too.

The tie in here is one of the younger couples godson is getting baptized this weekend. In fact more than one baby is up for the deal so I will be busy. The other thing I must mention is it is going to be a Catholic ceremony of some sorts. I dunno – I was brought up Protestant . .. ummm…. how hard could it be? LOL OH yeah, most of the family only speaks Spanish. So wish me luck that my eye ball stays good and my feet stay under me.

We are getting the plans firmed up for Thanksgiving. So far it looks like 40 or so people will be gathering. Everyone is bringing a favorite family dish, our friends M and M are setting up their garage as the dining area, their daughter is expecting a boy so the proud fathers family will be there too. More later on this one.